Daily Bitters [Discontinued] by Gaia Herbs

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Serving Size   45 Drop(s)
(Anise seed essence, Bitter Orange peel essence, Cardamom seed, Dandelion root, Fennel seed, Gentian, Ginger, Indian Gooseberry, Milk Thistle, Pure vegetable glycerin, Blend of sea vegetation, EXTRACTS FROM Turmeric rhizome, and Water, Wild Yam root)
(PROPRIETARY BLEND (Form: EXTRACTS FROM Turmeric rhizome Genus: Curcuma Species: longa Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Milk Thistle seed Genus: Silybum Species: marianum Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Wild Yam root Genus: Dioscorea Species: villosa Note: Ecologically Harvested, Fennel seed Genus: Foeniculum Species: vulgare Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Blend of sea vegetation Note: Ecologically Harvested, Dandelion root Genus: Taraxacum Species: officinale Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Gentian root Genus: Gentiana Species: lutea Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Cardamom seed Genus: Elettaria Species: cardamomum Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Ginger rhizome Genus: Zingiber Species: officinale Note: Certified Organic Ingredient, Indian Gooseberry Genus: Emblica Species: officinalis Note: Ecologically Harvested, Anise seed essence Genus: Pimpinella Species: anisum Note: Ecologically Harvested, Bitter Orange peel essence Genus: Citrus Species: spp. Note: Ecologically Harvested, Pure vegetable glycerin, and Water) Note: ALCOHOL FREE )

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This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

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