Young Living Therapeutic Grade brand Roman Chamomile (chamaemelum nobile) essential Oil.
Brand name products often contain multiple ingredients. To read detailed information about each ingredient, click on the link for the individual ingredient shown above.
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Roman Chamomile Essential Oil. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Roman Chamomile Essential Oil. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
LIKELY SAFE ...when used orally in amounts commonly found in foods. Roman chamomile has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status in the US (4912).
POSSIBLY SAFE ...when used topically as a 2% gel for up to 4 weeks (107369). ...when the essential oil is inhaled or used topically as aromatherapy (7107). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of Roman chamomile when used orally in amounts greater than those found in foods.
when used orally in medicinal amounts.
Roman chamomile is believed to be an abortifacient (4). Some population research has found a possible link between the use of Roman chamomile and an increased incidence of reduced birth weight, threatened miscarriage, and preterm labor (97292). There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of the topical use of Roman chamomile during pregnancy; avoid using.
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using (4).
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Roman Chamomile Essential Oil. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Roman Chamomile Essential Oil. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
...Roman chamomile is generally well tolerated.
Most Common Adverse Effects:
Topically: Allergic skin reactions.
Dermatologic ...Topically, Roman chamomile can cause contact dermatitis (4,567,97292). Allergic skin reactions can occur in up to 20% of individuals exposed to Roman chamomile (19). Multiple case reports have described the development of topical allergic reactions, including eczema and rash, with the use of cleaning products and cosmetics containing chamomile oil or chamomile extract (97292). In one case report, a 55-year-old man experienced disseminated erythroderma with itchy, scaly lesions after non-contact exposure to an area containing many plant varieties. Patch testing confirmed the presence of allergenicity to Roman chamomile (97292).
Gastrointestinal ...Orally, large amounts of Roman chamomile might cause vomiting, although data are conflicting (11,12).
Immunologic ...Allergic skin reactions can occur in up to 20% of individuals exposed to Roman chamomile (19). Cross-sensitivity can occur in individuals with sensitivity to the Asteraceae/Compositae family (19,97292). Multiple case reports have described the development of topical and respiratory allergic reactions with the use of cleaning products and cosmetics containing chamomile oil or chamomile extract (97292).
Pulmonary/Respiratory ...A case report describes the development of cough and rhinitis in a 20-year-old female after exposure to chamomile-scented toilet paper. Skin prick testing confirmed the presence of allergenicity to the toilet paper product (97292).