B3AST by Flex Fitness Products

Natural Medicines Brand Evidence-based Rating (NMBER)
NOT RATED at this time.

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Serving Size   1 Cap(s)
Ingredients Amount Per Serving
100 mg
60 mg
25 mg
20 mg
25 mg
6 7 dihydroxybergamottin
30 mg

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Editor's Comments    hide details

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This product contains one or more ingredients that appears to be a prohormone. Prohormones are typically designed to be metabolized to anabolic compounds (91094,91095). Although there is very little known about these compounds they may cause serious anabolic steroid-like side effects including stroke, kidney failure, and liver injury. Advise patients not to take this product.

There is concern about this product because it contains a drug or drug-like substance that may not be safe when used without appropriate medical supervision.

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