Ingredients | Amount Per Serving |
((certified organic ingredient) (Non-GMO ingredient))
(Goat's Rue PlantPart: herb Note: (certified organic ingredient) (Non-GMO ingredient) )
1050 mg |
Soy Lecithin Note: non-GMO ingredient, Modified Vegetable Cellulose Note: non-GMO ingredient, Medium Chain Triglycerides (Form: derived from Coconut PlantPart: tree nut, and/or Palm kernel Oil PlantPart: kernel) Note: non-GMO ingredient
Below is general information about the effectiveness of the known ingredients contained in the product Goat's Rue. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Below is general information about the safety of the known ingredients contained in the product Goat's Rue. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
There is insufficient reliable information available about the safety of goat's rue.
Insufficient reliable information available; avoid using.
Below is general information about the interactions of the known ingredients contained in the product Goat's Rue. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
Laboratory research suggests that goat's rue extract can inhibit platelet aggregation (4007,52418,52421,52424,52446). Theoretically, goat's rue might increase the risk of bleeding when used with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs. Some anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
Below is general information about the adverse effects of the known ingredients contained in the product Goat's Rue. Some ingredients may not be listed. This information does NOT represent a recommendation for or a test of this specific product as a whole.
General ...No adverse effects have been reported; however, a thorough evaluation of safety outcomes has not been conducted.